
谷口 らん菜




2018年、師匠である陣内亜紀子と結成したサクソフォンカルテット「soleil」で演奏会を開催。2019年、同学年の関西の音大生でDaisy saxophone quartetとして活動し、ソプラノサクソフォンを担当した。2020年には初の自主リサイタルを開催。留学中には、Zurich Saxophone Collectiveとして、年15回以上ものコンサートをチューリッヒを中心にスイス国内で行う。また、Z Quartetとして電子音楽の作品のコンサートをチューリッヒの他に、ブダペスト、グランカナリア、バーゼルにて開催。第18回世界サクソフォン会議、第19回世界サクソフォン会議、第2回チューリッヒサックスフェストに参加。2019年、2024年には、NPO法人ワールドシップオーケストラのインドネシア公演ではソリストを務めるなど、楽教育活動にも精力的に取り組んでいる。




Ranna Taniguchi was born in Shiga, Japan, in 1999.

She began learning the piano at three and met the saxophone in the wind brass band at twelve. Fascinated by the saxophone, she decided to continue studying the saxophone. After that, she belonged to the brass band of Kosei High School. She studied at the Kyoto City University of Art in the Kunisue Sadahito and Sugawa Nobuya class in 2017. During her time at the KCUA, she learned various things, from basic saxophone skills to classical music methods, and performed at an array of concerts across Kyoto and other areas as a soloist, saxophone quartet and saxophone orchestra. After that, ranna studied at the Zurich University of the Arts in Prof. Lars Mlekusch’s Master of Arts in Music Performance class, and she received a perfect score from the jury for her master’s recital and completed her master’s degree in April 2024.

Ranna’s talent and dedication have been recognized through various awards. She was the 1st prize winner in the Nagoya Saxophone Competition 2016, received the Outstanding Performance award in the K Saxophone Competition 2019, secured the 3rd prize in the Osaka International Music Competition 2020, and won the grand prize at the 23rd Shiga Prefecture Newcomer’s Concert.

She attended masterclass alongside as well as hosted by some world-famous saxophonists, including Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Yasuto Tanaka, Masato Kumoi, Masataka Hirano, Nicolas Prost, Arno Bornkamp, Christian Wirth, Daniel Gauthier, Lars Mlekusch, Alexandre Doisy, Alexandre Souillart, and Thibaut Canaval. She furthered her international experience by serving as a soloist at the NPO Worldship Orchestra and engaging in music education activities for children in developing countries in Southeast Asia in 2019 and 2024.

Currently, she focuses on teaching younger students, mainly in Shiga. She also works extensively on “open performance, wall-less,” focusing not only on classical music but also on contemporary music and electronic music.

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